Yamaha TMS1465
สแนร์ Yamaha TMS1465
ชำระเงินสด / โอน ราคา 11,500 บาท
ผ่อนชำระ 10 เดือน ราคา 12,500 บาท
The versatility, projection and dynamic range is what professional drummers around the world have come to expect from Yamaha Drums with no compromise on the finish quality.
The versatility, projection and dynamic range is what professional drummers around the world have come to expect from Yamaha Drums with no compromise on the finish quality.
100% Maple Shell:
All-maple shells give Tour Custom drums their warm, open tone. These shells are designed with a 6-ply, 5.6 mm / 45-degree bearing edge that adds tonal depth and quick response and a great balance of snare sensitivity and wide, dynamic range. Finished with a beautiful satin lacquer that maximizes the sonic potential of the maple shell, Tour Custom snare drums provide a classic Yamaha maple snare sound with perfect sensitivity for any genre of music.Inverse DynaHoop:
The 2.3 mm inverse DynaHoop controls the natural overtones inherent to all-maple drums and focuses the fundamental tone of the shell creating a comfortable, solid back beat and smooth cross stick perfect for any room or studio.Absolute Lug:
Yamaha absolute lugs with single-point mounting provide the perfect balance of open tone with controlled attack.P-TypeStrainer:
Compact, lightweight strainer with a smooth, simple and reliable design, and dual snare tension adjustment for fine snare fine-tuning.